I've always been big on skincare and have over the years found the perfect products that work for my skin type. I have sensitive and oily skin which means I steer far from products that can irritate my skin such as exfoliating masks, soaps, and facial scrubs. I start off my routine every morning with my Fresh
cleanser {works for all skin types!}. It's a gel cleanser which doesn't strip the moisture off my skin but does remove excess oil and leaves my skin super soft. I also use it at night to clean my face and remove my make up. I then use my all time favorite Clinique
moisturizer {I've been using this product since I was 12!} it's perfect for oily skin and keeps my skin smooth. Another product I use is my Clinique
eye cream I apply it in the morning since it reduces puffiness and darkness under the eye and makes me look as if I slept 8+ hours. For acne I use my secret weapon the Clean & Clear
treatment it has salicylic acid that dries the area so it removes the acne very quickly. I also use a
facial mask once a week, I own a couple of the Freeman "Feeling Beautiful" line but this one has been my favorite for diminishing the look of pores and ultimately clearing my skin.
What are you favorite skin care products? If you have any recommendations for products I should use leave me a comment!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks for reading,